Staying True To Your Values -Kedoshim

We live in unusual times. Modern society does not want to hear about expectations, it does not want to be told what to be or who to be. To go against nature and the roles we are meant to fulfill is being sold as the norm from a minority culture. “I get to decide what I am, a boy or a girl because I’m empowered to it.” No, that’s not empowerment. That’s sad. This is a person who needs love and compassion. An individual who is confused and has lost his morals and values because of a certain event in their lives.

Today, in modern society we see the loss of morality and boundaries being pushed further and further to the left. As the number of believers, church goers, have declined in America, there has been a rise in anger, immoral behavior, and violence. “Anything goes” is the time we are living in. But is this the appropriate way to propel a society to succeed? Will this produce a society that is healthy, happy, kind and loving to one another?

The little we know about achieving and success, about health and well-being say the contrary. Studies after studies show to be a healthy in mind and body individual one must adhere to discipline, trueness to one’s values and beliefs. The free fulfilled man is not one that has no rules or structure but one who follows a law, is one who follows their core values. These are teachings we receive in biblical texts: one of morals and kindness. It is no surprise the decline in religious affiliation is correlated with immorality and violence.


Core Values are The Foundation

Our rapidly changing world makes it challenging to stay true to our values. People push boundaries to move our world forward with technological advances and a fairer society to all people. All things that are applaudable. And part of nature is to grow and evolve. But, in the same manner, people push an agenda where moral values are being loss, and other people’s boundaries are being crossed. It is challenging to navigate in this kind of world, for people and organizations.

Staying true to our core values is the foundation to build a healthy future for tomorrow. Inclusion and fairness should not lead to immoral behavior. To cling tightly to our values and beliefs is not only the path of righteousness but a path that embodies our souls to shine in our society.


A Call to Perfection, To Self-Improvement – Kedoshim

To embrace all people and love them means to show them the way. It is harder to educate someone than it is to ignore them and let them be. Parents know this well. There are consequences to this. No doubt, to educate society is the way to be. We need to live a life where we honor our parents, where we do not sleep with our friend’s wife, or go behind someone’s back to get a hand on them is a life where we serve and are drawn toward perfection. This is a society of a holy people. A moral society is what is intended for us, it is one that is endow in love and justice for all.

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