Unlock Your Potential: Discover and Develop Your Talents

Do you feel stuck in your job? A feeling that your skills are not being utilized. Are you in a boring 9am-5pm you can’t phantom doing for another 6 months? This is probably a result of your talents not being deployed to do your work. A lack of excitement, or interest is a clear indication you are not unlocking your potential.

Does it matter that you unlock your potential? And is it about pushing yourself further to unlock your talents?

It matters greatly. Your happiness and purpose are intrinsically connected to your talents being used at work. Although, talent does not play a role in how much you achieve, discipline and perseverance do that, but it does impact your fulfillment. Ultimately, it impacts your purpose.

You might already be aware of what your talents are, and if you are not using them to create a future or using them towards a higher purpose, you will experience dissatisfaction. On the other hand, if you are unaware of your hidden talents, the work is figuring it out what they are first.

Talents Are a Divine Gift To Humanity

The good news is that we all have talents and unique abilities. We are bestowed from God- the universe, a higher power, whatever you are comfortable calling this force, talents. Not only we do each have unique talents, but they are to serve a specific purpose. This force, higher power, gives us the innate inspiration to pursue mastery of our talents. Through consistent effort, we open a channel for new energy.

The Old Testament, the Torah, gives us an example in Exodus 31:1-6 of a man named Bezalel whom God imbued with divine inspiration. “See, the Lord has called by name Bezalel… He has imbued him with the spirit of God, with wisdom, with insight, and with knowledge, and with [talent for] all manner of craftsmanship.” Like Bezalel, we each have talents we need to discover and develop.

Science has also made significant strides over the last 30 years in understanding the nature of talents. Research in genetics, psychology and neuroscience bring light the relationship of nature and nurture in this area.

 Nature Vs. Nurture: Discover and Develop Talents

Studies in genetics find genes play a role in talent development. People with certain genes are predisposed to excel in specific areas, such music, sports, and intellectual pursuits. Genes are given to us but alone do not dictate talent development. The second influencing factor is environment. Environment plays a big role because a person’s background and socio-economic statues give access or a supportive network to access talent development. Environment allows a nurturing of those natural talents.

Genes and environment both play an essential role in talent development, but without practice, the third factor of talent development, those talents will go unnoticed. Psychologist Anders Ericson suggest it takes approximately 10,000 hours of practice to become an expert in a specific field. As the saying goes, “practice, practice, practice is key”.

Whether you believe it’s a higher power that bestowed upon you talents, genes, and environment, you have them. What are they? How do you put them to work for you?

Find Your Hidden Genius

Life will naturally take you through phases where you will experience joy in certain activities. You will realize you are good at something. Friends will ask you to do things for them because you offer a value you don’t have. As we develop and evolve into different phases of life, you will become aware of your natural skills. If you haven’t being aware and are eager to find out, you can begin the process of self discovery.

To discover talents is journey of self-discovery

Take time to reflect on interest, hobbies, and activities you find joy in. What values drive you? This is important because you want to align to your purpose. Be open to trying new things to discover skills and passions.

Know your strengths and weaknesses

If you are naturally good at something, it is a high probability this is a skill that comes easy to you and it’s worth investing time to see where it takes you. Having an idea of what your weaknesses are, will guide you on what not to do and what you need to be weary of to develop a talent.

Get feedback from family and friends to find strengths

People in our close circles oftentimes see things we do not. Concentrate on the good. A lot of light disperses darkness. It will help build confidence.

Discovering talents is a journey of self-discovery that includes reflection, awareness of values, strengths, and weaknesses. Ultimately, to discover our hidden genius is about adapting an attitude of openness to invite skills and discover passions.


Unlock You Creative Genius

Self-awareness of our talents is the first step to unlocking our potential. Development of those talents is key. You want to develop into you are meant to be practice, discipline and grit will get you to the finish line.

Create, Practice

All endeavors are born on the courage to take action and live on practice. Once you discover your talent, develop it into a skill with courage to channel your effort and start. The philosopher Lao Tzu said, “The journey of a thousand miles starts with one step”. He was very right about it starts with one action, a decision to make it happen. Be determined to see it finish.

The start it’s the hardest part because we are naturally in a resting state. To make something happen, energy needs to go in and move it. Doubts and excuses are natural phenomena we use not to exert energy. Push them aside. Use mental strength to make yourself practice and create. Practice will transform the junk you create in the beginning into works of art. Into insight. A value to be shared with others.

Cultivate Disciple

To make a leap from an amateur creator to an artist, create on a consistent schedule. Skills we want to be second nature, we need to practice consistently. Clearly, this is easier said than done. In order to create a life of fulfillment and purpose, self-discipline is essential. Temptations will come in our hearts and mind that will want to draw us away from our goals. Having a ritual to nurture our creative time will help a great deal.

Goal Setting

Set clear goals of what you want to accomplish. Datelines to create those goals. And a set time to development and execute them. Give time to nurture your talents. Your unique abilities are bursting to be shared, they require you to give it attention to develop them. Be committed to create.

The process of developing your talents is hard. Practice compassion with yourself. It does take time. The typical artist takes about 10 years to produce remarkable work. An average of practicing for 10,000 hours. Similar, the process for all is: practice, create, discard, share, be awed every so often.


To Unlock Your Potential Is a Process, To Discover and Develop Talents

It is no easy task to find your hidden genius. It is a consistent process of creating and having the discipline to nature those skills. Grit is a mindset that will develop your inner artist. Having that mindset of growth and determination will allow your talent to have the space to grow. Go have discipline, create, and share your work.




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